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Understanding The Healing Process

Going through a traumatic event can affect you emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. To address the scars a traumatic event leaves behind, many people require trauma therapy. At Northpoint Omaha, we know how difficult it can be understanding the healing process. Learn more about how we can help at Northpoint Omaha by calling 888.687.8014.

Understanding Trauma

Before you can begin the trauma healing process, it’s helpful to know how trauma forms. Trauma is your brain’s emotional reaction to a distressing event. This event can be anything that frightens you or makes you feel threatened or out of control. There’s no threshold to what can traumatize you.

Some of the most common symptoms of trauma include:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Muscle tension
  • Aches and pains
  • Being easily startled
  • Fatigue
  • Experiencing flashbacks
  • Feeling numb or disconnected

Because trauma can impact all aspects of your life and lead you to self-medicate by turning to drugs or alcohol, it’s crucial to get help as soon as possible.

What Is the Healing Process for Trauma?

There are a few different stages to the trauma healing process. At treatment centers like ours, you can receive the exact care you need.

Acknowledging the Trauma

Understanding the healing process requires that you first accept there’s something to heal from. Not everyone realizes that the experience they went through was traumatic, and that can impede the start of healing. By working with therapists, you can get a better grasp on the event and how it impacted your life.

Establishing Safety and Trust

The next stage of the trauma healing process is perhaps one of the toughest—establishing safety. If you don’t feel safe in your environment and even in your body, it becomes difficult to process the trauma.

In therapy, we can help you find ways to create safety in all aspects of your life. Keep in mind that it’s never possible to create absolute safety. Instead, the goal is to achieve sufficient safety to continue healing.

Processing Traumatic Memories

The next step is to start processing what you’ve been through in a secure environment. One of the crucial things you have to remember when understanding the trauma healing process is that you don’t have to feel better about the traumatic event.

Instead, this stage focuses on helping you comprehend how your body and mind reacted to the trauma so that you can start building healthier coping mechanisms.

Learning Emotional Regulating and Coping Skills

A vital part of trauma recovery is learning how to regulate your emotions. Therapy can help you apply mindfulness and grounding techniques as well as show you how your thoughts are leading you to respond in a certain manner.

Once you make sense of your trauma response, you can make conscious efforts to change it. As you continue healing, you can make adjustments to your coping mechanisms, too, so that you’re able to continue making strides in your recovery.

Speak with a Professional Today About Trauma Therapy at Northpoint Omaha

Trauma can have a devastating effect on your life if you don’t address it. It isn’t something that will disappear on its own, and in fact, it can get worse with time if you try to ignore it. At a recovery center like Northpoint Omaha, we know just how difficult it is to acknowledge trauma and deal with it.

When you turn to our outpatient programs, you can find the exact level of care you need. With our team of experts by your side, understanding the healing process can be easier. Contact our team at Northpoint Omaha by calling 888.687.8014 or using our online contact form.