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Cocaine Rehab

Cocaine, a highly addictiveWoman sits on couch and wonders about cocaine rehab while talking to therapist stimulant derived from the coca plant in South America, is commonly abused. Its effects of euphoria and alertness resemble caffeine, making it appealing for a high. However, the consequences of cocaine abuse are severe. Thankfully, rehab programs offer education, supervision, and support to overcome cocaine addiction. 

Contact Northpoint Omaha today online or at 888.687.8014 for information on our substance abuse treatment programs in Omaha, Nebraska. Our cocaine rehab center helps people heal from cocaine misuse and achieve their best lives. 

Who Can Benefit from Cocaine Addiction Treatment? 

Cocaine can be ingested in different ways, but the most common way is to snort the powdered drug up the nose. As a stimulant, cocaine produces feelings of euphoria, confidence, and intense pleasure. However, those feelings are short-lived.  

When the “high” subsides, individuals are left feeling down, depressed, or lethargic. The desire to feel good again can then lead to frequent use, which is dangerous because of the short-term effects cocaine can have on physical health. These include: 

  • Cardiovascular problems 
  • Heart rhythm disturbances 
  • Chest pain 
  • Heart attack 
  • Stroke 
  • Seizures 

Injecting cocaine produces an even more potent high and is a faster path to addiction. Individuals who inject cocaine are at risk for infections and blood-borne diseases from sharing needles, in addition to a fatal overdose. 

Remember that cocaine is an illegal substance. As such, there are no medical uses for the drug, and it is not prescribed. If you or someone you care about is using cocaine, a cocaine rehab center can help you safely withdraw from the drug and learn the skills you need to avoid relapse. 

Signs of Cocaine Addiction 

Cocaine is a highly addictive substance. As a result, recreational use can turn into a cocaine use disorder quickly. Signs of cocaine addiction include: 

  • Swift weight loss 
  • Extreme mood swings 
  • Isolating from friends and family 
  • Unexplained financial problems, complaining about money missing, lost or stolen 
  • Continued use of the substance even after financial, legal, or relationship trouble 
  • Wearing long sleeves or other clothing to conceal injection marks on arms or legs 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Delusions 
  • Paranoia 
  • Violent behavior 
  • Dangerously high blood pressure levels 
  • Problems with nasal cartilage 

Using cocaine once or twice does not warrant the need for cocaine rehab. However, symptoms of addiction become quickly apparent when there is a problem. Therefore, it’s preferable to treat cocaine use disorder as soon as possible to avoid potential medical complications.  

Don’t wait until you begin to suffer medical or legal consequences. Instead, contact a cocaine rehab center in Omaha, Nebraska, as soon as you suspect a problem.   

What to Expect from a Cocaine Rehab Program 

Cocaine addiction treatment is about more than stopping usage. It’s also about learning the new skills needed to avoid relapse long after the detox is complete. Individuals who attend an outpatient cocaine rehab program can expect to participate in a variety of treatments, including: 

  • Group therapy 
  • Mental health counseling 
  • Individual therapy 
  • Aftercare planning 
  • Relapse prevention education 

Comprehensive cocaine rehab treatment should also address any underlying mental health conditions contributing to drug use. People are more than their addiction, and every person who struggles with an addiction deserves compassionate care designed to meet their specific needs. 

Benefits of Cocaine Rehab  

Cocaine rehab offers a structured environment for overcoming addiction, with numerous benefits that can support long-term recovery. Here are some of the key advantages: 

  • Increased self-esteem 
  • Improved physical health 
  • Enhanced mental health 
  • Connection to a support network 
  • Equipment of healthy coping skills 

When seeking recovery, it’s essential to understand the options available and make sure you choose the best option for your needs. 

Reach Out to Northpoint Recovery Omaha to Enroll in Our Cocaine Rehab Program  

At Northpoint Omaha, our caring team will guide you through all our services at our Omaha cocaine rehab center. Our focus is on you and providing the comprehensive treatment solutions you need to maintain your recovery. To do that, we address addiction from many angles and provide a complete evaluation of your mental and physical health. Contact Northpoint Omaha online to schedule a consultation or call 888.687.8014 today and speak to one of our caring addiction counselors about our cocaine addiction treatment options.