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How To Cope With Social Anxiety

Coping with social anxiety takes a lot more than simply putting on a brave face. Living with a social anxiety disorder makes it hard to leave the house without experiencing severe feelings of anxiety. An anxiety treatment program can help you address the reasons for your anxiety and allow you to enjoy social gatherings once again.

The trained professionals at Northpoint Omaha’s outpatient treatment center are here to provide you with skills and resources to cope with social anxiety and live the life you deserve. Reach out at 888.687.8014 to learn more about our anxiety treatment program options.

What Is Social Anxiety?

Coping with social anxiety is easier when you understand it is a real mental health concern that can be treated. Social anxiety causes mild to severe physical and psychological symptoms, including:

  • A feeling of intense self-consciousness in everyday social situations
  • The fear that others will notice your anxiety
  • Severe feelings of dread or worry before a social event
  • Nausea, racing heart, sweating, shaking, or feeling faint
  • Avoiding social situations or self-isolating
  • The inability to go places alone
  • Avoiding contact and conversation when you are in a social situation
  • Drinking alcohol or using substances to ease your anxiety

Some people are naturally more introverted and enjoy spending time alone or with a select group of friends. This is not the same as having social anxiety. The individuals who can benefit from social anxiety tips are those whose quality of life is being affected.

Tips for Social Anxiety Recovery

If you’re experiencing social anxiety symptoms, there are several steps you can take to create a healthier, happier life.

Get Support

Finding the mental health support you need is a priority. Social anxiety is often linked to past trauma, substance use disorders, and genetic and environmental factors. Depending on the severity of your symptoms and other co-occurring conditions, a comprehensive outpatient program may be the best option.

Anxiety treatment programs include a variety of therapies to address your individual needs. You will speak with a therapist, participate in group therapy, and learn new skills to help you cope with anxiety when it arises.

Speak with a trusted friend or family member about what you are going through. Sometimes, just talking with a friend can help you gain clarity and feel less alone.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises such as journaling, meditation, or deep breathing have been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and not worrying about the future.

Practicing mindfulness habits may help reduce obsessive worrying before a social event and lead to better mental health overall.

Face Your Fears

Every individual has to learn how to cope with anxiety in their own way. Many people find it helpful to expose themselves to anxiety-inducing situations despite their fears. Start with the least threatening scenario you can think of, such as going to lunch with a close friend.

As you slowly work your way from meeting with one friend to a small group of friends to an intimate dinner party, you will build confidence in your ability to be in social situations without intense anxiety.

Be Gentle With Yourself

Learning how to cope with social anxiety is a process that takes time and practice. For many people, it also takes the support of a mental health professional. Don’t be hard on yourself if the improvement is slow. Every step you take is a step toward the fulfilling life you want and deserve.

Find More Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety at Northpoint Omaha

If you or someone you love could benefit from social anxiety tips, Northpoint Omaha can help. Our comprehensive anxiety treatment programs include therapy and skill-building that will teach you how to cope with social anxiety.

Call Northpoint Omaha at 888.687.8014 or use our online contact form for more information about our outpatient mental health treatment programs.